[JavaScript] 개체 또는 배열에 조건부로 추가
2022. 6. 7. 18:57
The logical && (AND) operator
const trueCondition = true;
const falseCondition = false;
const obj = {
...(trueCondition && { dogs: "woof" }),
...(falseCondition && { cats: "meow" }),
// { dogs: 'woof' }
const arr = [
...(trueCondition ? ["dog"] : []),
...(falseCondition ? ["cat"] : [])
// ['dog']
The spread operator (...)
let myDogs = [`Riggins`, `Lyla`];
let parentsDogs = [`Ellie`, `Remi`];
const holidayDoghouse = [...myDogs, ...parentsDogs];
// [ 'Riggins', 'Lyla', 'Ellie', 'Remi' ]
let existingAnimals = {
dogs: 2,
cats: 4,
donkeys: 2,
horses: 2,
let newAnimals = {
goats: 2,
const allAnimals = {
// { dogs: 2, cats: 4, donkeys: 2, horses: 2, goats: 2 }